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GIT Dump MCQs Solution | TCS Fresco Play

GIT Dump MCQs Solution  |  TCS Fresco Play

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All Question of the MCQs Present Below for Ease Use Ctrl + F with the question name to find the Question. All the Best!

1. What is the command to temporarily store uncommitted ?

git stash

2. What is the significance of using –index in the git stash pop - - index command ?

to commit files

3. A good commit message should be descriptive and specific



4. What is the command to amend an incorrect commit message ?

commit ammend m correct msg

5. What is the output of the command git reset –hard HEAD ~3?

through away last 3

6. What is the output of the command git reset -–soft HEAD ~5 ?

reset head to 5 commit

7. A good commit message can have have more then 100 characters.


8. I want to take all the changes I made in the staging to my working directory , what command should I use to do this operation ?

git reset head

9. What is the GIT command to skip staging and directly commit the changes directly ?


10. GIT is a ___

Distributed version control

11. If you want to see the changes since last commit in a specific file, what command should you use?

git log

12. It is a good practice to use present tense in commit messages.


13. What does the command git add. do?

Adds files to staging area

14. What is the command to delete a branch in GIT?

git branch -d branchname

15. What is the GIT command to create a branch?

git branch branchname

16. What does the command git checkout branchname do?

switches from main to new branch

17. What is a good practice to follow when you want to back up a local branch?

Push to remote repo

18. A tag in GIT context is a

reference to specific commit

19. What is the GIT command to see all the remote branches?

git branch -r

20. What is the command to delete a remote branch in GIT?

push origin : branchname

21. What does the GIT command 'git remote prune origin' do?

cleans up all remote stale repos

22. What is the GIT command to view the log with code level changes?

git log - - oneline - p

23. What is the git command to directly create and move to a new branch?

git checkout -b branchname

24. What is the GIT command to see all changes since the last commit ?

git status

25. What does the command 'git log - - oneline – graph' do?

Show visual representation of remote repo

26. GIT takes care of access control.


27. What is ChatOps ?


28. ChatOps helps in _________

All the options mentioned

29. Compare the notifications triggered during Exercise 1 and Exercise 2. Which of the following notification to slack are missing when the GitHub repository is updated in authed mode vs. unauthed mode.

Pull Notification

30. Merge the Pull request in GitHub for the updates made to starfeature branch. Which channels would receive notification for this event?

stakeholders and starprojectteam

31. Delete the branch starfeature in GitHub. Which channels would receive notification for this event?


32. Create a New Pull Request. Review the changes between master and starfeature branch, and confirm by clicking Create pull request. Which channels would receive notification for this event?

stakeholders and starprojectteam

33. Update the file in the GitHub Branch starfeature and Commit the updates. Which channels would receive notification for this event?


34. Which of the following is not an ideal target to automate through ChatOps

Auto Scaling Servers

35. Can Chatbot be used by a restaurant to take customer orders and make menu items suggestions.


36. Which of the following is not a ChatClient


37. Few Channels in Slack are listed with a lock symbol in the Explorer, because these channels are ___________


38. Which of the following tools can not be integrated into ChatOps.


39. Which of the following activities can be automated through ChatOps

Creating and Tracking Issues

40. "ChatOps primary aim is to move conversations away from e-mail and into business chat tools." Is this statement correct?


41. ChatOps is a collaboration model which offers a single and persistent location, for ___________ to collaborate with each other.

People, Bots and Tools

42. Through ChatOps, communication can be bi-directional. i.e. users can submit commands from the chat room to the bots, which direct the commands to the respective systems; the systems can automatically push status to the chat room directly.


43. Through ChatOps, collaboration is tied to the IT systems and processes, therefore making it more ____________

All of the options mentioned

44. Which of the following Bots are written in Ruby


45. Through Chat Client, users can

All of the options mentioned

46. Which of the following are the technical benefits that the teams can realize by adapting ChatOps

All of the options mentioned

47. Which of the following is the main consideration while choosing a Chatbot?

All of the options mentioned

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