Python Qualis Hands-on Solution | TCS Fresco Play
Course Path: Data Science/DATA SCIENCE BASICS/Python Qualis
Suggestion: Just Copy whole code from below and replace with existing code on hackerrank.
Doctest 1
import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import inspect
# Complete the following isPalindrome function:
def isPalindrome(x):
# Write the doctests:
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: x must be a positive integer
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: x must be an integer
# Write the functionality:
y = list(str(x))[::-1]
y = "".join([i for i in y])
if type(x) == type(1):
if x>0:
if str(x) == y:
return True
return False
raise ValueError('x must be a positive integer')
except ValueError as e:
raise TypeError('x must be an integer')
except TypeError as r:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Doctest 2
import inspect
import doctest
import re
import math
# Define the class 'Circle' and its methods with proper doctests:
class Circle:
def __init__( self, radius):
# Define doctests for __init__ method:
>>> c1 = Circle(2.5)
>>> c1.radius
self.radius = radius
def area(self):
# Define doctests for area method:
>>> c1 =Circle(2.5)
>>> c1.area()
return round(math.pi*( self.radius**2),2)
# Define area functionality:
def circumference(self):
# Define doctests for circumference method:
>>> c1=Circle(2.5)
>>> c1.circumference()
return round(math.pi* (self.radius*2),2)
# Define circumference functionality:
if __name__ == '__main__':
2.Welcome to Python Qualis - Nose Testing Framework
from import Circle
from import assert_raises, eq_, eq_
class TestingCircleCreation:
def test_creating_circle_with_numeric_radius(self):
c = Circle(2.5)
eq_(2.5, c.radius)
# Hint: Use assert_raises and with.
def test_creating_circle_with_negative_radius(self):
with assert_raises(ValueError) as e:
c = Circle(-2.5)
eq_(str(e.exception), 'radius must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive')
def test_creating_circle_with_greaterthan_radius(self):
with assert_raises(ValueError) as e:
c = Circle(1000.1)
eq_(str(e.exception), 'radius must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive')
def test_creating_circle_with_nonnumeric_radius(self):
with assert_raises(TypeError) as e:
c = Circle('hello')
eq_(str(e.exception), 'radius must be a number')
#Define a nose test class 'TestCircleArea'
class TestCircleArea:
def test_circlearea_with_random_numeric_radius(self):
c = Circle(2.5)
eq_(c.area(), 19.63)
def test_circlearea_with_min_radius(self):
c = Circle(0)
eq_(c.area(), 0)
def test_circlearea_with_max_radius(self):
c3 =Circle(1000)
eq_(c3.area(), 3141592.65)
# Define a nose test class 'TestCircleCircumference'
class TestCircleCircumference:
def test_circlecircum_with_random_numeric_radius(self):
c = Circle(2.5)
eq_(c.circumference(), 15.71)
def test_circlecircum_with_min_radius(self):
c = Circle(0)
eq_(0, c.circumference())
def test_circlecircum_with_max_radius(self):
c = Circle(1000)
eq_(c.circumference(), 6283.19)
3.Welcome to Python Qualis - Pytest Testing Framework
import sys
import os
from proj.inventory import MobileInventory, InsufficientException
import pytest
# Import pytest using the expression import pytest.
# Use assert statement for assert, and to check. Ex: assert 1 == 1
# Define a pytest test class **'TestingInventoryCreation'**
class TestingInventoryCreation:
def test_creating_empty_inventory(self):
x = MobileInventory()
assert x.balance_inventory == {}
def test_creating_specified_inventory(self):
x = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X':100, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 1000, 'Nokia Model Z':25})
assert {'iPhone Model X':100, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 1000, 'Nokia Model Z':25} == x.balance_inventory
def test_creating_inventory_with_list(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError) :
assert "Input inventory must be a dictionary" == MobileInventory(['iPhone Model X', 'Xiaomi Model Y', 'Nokia Model Z'])
def test_creating_inventory_with_numeric_keys(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert "Mobile model name must be a string" == MobileInventory({1: 'iPhone Model X', 2: 'Xiaomi Model Y', 3: 'Nokia Model Z'})
def test_creating_inventory_with_nonnumeric_values(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError) :
assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == MobileInventory({ 'iPhone Model X':'100', 'Xiaomi Model Y': '1000', 'Nokia Model Z':'25'})
def test_creating_inventory_with_negative_value(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X':-45, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 200, 'Nokia Model Z':25})
class TestInventoryAddStock:
inventory = None
def setup_class(cls):
cls.inventory = MobileInventory({'iPhone Model X':100, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 1000, 'Nokia Model Z':25})
def test_add_new_stock_as_dict(self):
self.inventory.add_stock({'iPhone Model X': 50, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 2000, 'Nokia Model A': 10})
assert {'iPhone Model X':150, 'Xiaomi Model Y': 3000, 'Nokia Model Z':25,'Nokia Model A':10} == self.inventory.balance_inventory
def test_add_new_stock_as_list(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
assert "Input stock must be a dictionary" == MobileInventory.add_stock(self, ['iPhone Model X', 'Xiaomi Model Y', 'Nokia Model Z'])
def test_add_new_stock_with_numeric_keys(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert "Mobile model name must be a string" == MobileInventory.add_stock(self, {1: 'iPhone Model A', 2: 'Xiaomi Model B',3: 'Nokia Model C'})
def test_add_new_stock_with_nonnumeric_values(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == MobileInventory.add_stock(self, {'iPhone Model A': '50', 'Xiaomi Model B': '2000', 'Nokia Model C': '25'})
def test_add_new_stock_with_float_values(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == MobileInventory.add_stock(self, {'iPhone Model A': 50.5, 'Xiaomi Model B': 2000.3, 'Nokia Model C': 25})
class TestInventorySellStock:
inventory = None
def setup_class(cls):
cls.inventory = MobileInventory({ 'iPhone Model A': 50, 'Xiaomi Model B': 2000, 'Nokia Model C': 10, 'Sony Model D': 1})
def test_sell_stock_as_dict(self):
self.inventory.sell_stock({'iPhone Model A': 2, 'Xiaomi Model B': 20, 'Sony Model D': 1})
assert {'iPhone Model A':48, 'Xiaomi Model B': 1980, 'Nokia Model C':10, 'Sony Model D':0} == self.inventory.balance_inventory
def test_sell_stock_as_list(self):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
assert "Requested stock must be a dictionary" == MobileInventory.sell_stock(self, ['iPhone Model A', 'Xiaomi Model B', 'Nokia Model C'])
def test_sell_stock_with_numeric_keys(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert "Mobile model name must be a string" == MobileInventory.sell_stock(self, {1: 'iPhone Model A', 2: 'Xiaomi Model B', 3: 'Nokia Model C'})
def test_sell_stock_with_nonnumeric_values(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == MobileInventory.sell_stock(self, {'iPhone Model A': '2', 'Xiaomi Model B':'3', 'Nokia Model C': '4'})
def test_sell_stock_with_float_values(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert "No. of mobiles must be a positive integer" == MobileInventory.sell_stock(self, {'iPhone Model A': 2.5, 'Xiaomi Model B': 3.1, 'Nokia Model C': 4})
def test_sell_stock_of_nonexisting_model(self):
with pytest.raises(InsufficientException):
assert "No Stock. New Model Request" == MobileInventory.sell_stock(self.inventory, {'iPhone Model B': 2, 'Xiaomi Model B': 5})
def test_sell_stock_of_insufficient_stock(self):
with pytest.raises(InsufficientException):
assert "Insufficient Stock" == MobileInventory.sell_stock(self.inventory, {'iPhone Model A': 2, 'Xiaomi Model B': 5, 'Nokia Model C': 15})
Unittest 1
import inspect
import re
import unittest
import math
# Define class 'Circle' and its methods with proper doctests:
class Circle:
def __init__(self, radius):
# Define initialization method:
if not isinstance(radius, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("radius must be a number")
if not 1000 >=radius >=0:
raise ValueError("radius must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive"