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Continuous Integration with Jenkins MCQs Solution | TCS Fresco Play

Continuous Integration with Jenkins MCQs Solution  |  TCS Fresco Play

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Continuous Integration with Jenkins Hands-on Solution

1. Jenkins allows you to :

All of the options  --  Correct

2. Jabber is a :

Messaging plugin  --  Correct

3. Project type supported by Jenkins is/are:

All of the options  --  Correct

4. Which of the following statement is true about Jenkins?

Jenkins supports plugins to showcase both metrics and trends  --  Correct

5. Which of the following functionality is not supported by Jenkins

Code  --  Correct

6. Which of the following is an artifact repository that can be configured as a plugin for Jenkins

Nexus  --  Correct

7. Jenkins can manage job dependencies using

File Fingerprinting  --  Correct

8. Job status notifications can be sent in JSON or XML formats from Jenkins, with out extending it's functionality.

False  --  Correct

Continuous Integration with Jenkins Hands-on Solution


9. Record of multiple builds is displayed using a

Weather icon  --  Correct

10. Jenkins build job cannot be triggered manually?

False  --  Correct

11. In the build status images, which of the following statement is correct?

Partial Sun with clouds icon in the status means 20-40% of the recent builds failed  --  Correct

12. Copy artifacts' is an option that is available for selection under the

Build Step  --  Correct

13. If you have multiple projects and if you need to check for new updates, every five minutes, which is the correct CRON expression that Jenkins can use to avoid polling of all the projects at the same time.

H/5 * * * *  --  Correct

14. Build can be triggered :

All of the options  --  Correct

15. Functional testing can be automated using Jenkins.

True  --  Correct

Continuous Integration with Jenkins Hands-on Solution


16. File usage across Jenkins jobs can be tracked using :

Fingerprints  --  Correct

17. View of upstream and downstream connected jobs that forms a build pipeline is provided by:

Build Pipeline Plugin  --  Correct

18. Which of the following statement is correct about the build status images ?

Jenkins builds the source code :

In it's own workspace  --  Correct

19. Jenkins can be configured to monitor external jobs like CRON jobs :

Choose the 'Monitor External job' option under 'Build Step' section  --  Wrong


20. Users can now implement entire build, deploy and test using :

All of the options  --  Correct

21. Master and slave nodes communicate through :

None of the options

22. Project type supported by Jenkins is/are:

All of the options

23. Backups can be automated using :

ThinBackup plugin  --  Correct

24. An amber ball in the build status refers to an unstable build?

False  --  correct

25. In a distributed build environment, master computer can not execute any build and only slaves are capable of running build jobs


26. For a scalable Jenkins environment which architecture is recommended ?

Distributed Builds Architecture  --  Correct

27. Which of the following statement is not true about Jenkins?

Jenkins is highly secure and does not need any special security provisioning  --  Correct

28. Originally Jenkins was developed as the Hudson project?

True  --  Correct

29. Plugin that changes Jenkins to use green balls instead of blue for successful builds is?


30. Jenkins is a/an ______________ which can accelerate software development process.

open source automation server  --  Correct

31. The expression * */8 * * * indicates which of the following action :

Job runs every 8th Hours  --  Correct

Continuous Integration with Jenkins Hands-on Solution

32. is a continuous integration tool.

Maven  -- Wrong

33. If you want to track which top build projects are using which middle and bottom build projects, what has to be done ?

Relevant projects to be configured to record fingerprints  --  Correct

34. Jenkins is capable of displaying the build reports, generate trends and can render them in the GUI?

True  --  Correct

35. The available options under 'Build Step' section varies depending on the plugins installed?

True  --  Correct

36. Jenkins can be configured to check for changes on a URL to trigger build?

True  --  Correct

37. File Fingerprinting is used for:

Manage job dependencies  --  Correct

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