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NLP using Python MCQs Solution | TCS Fresco Play

NLP using Python MCQ Solutions | TCS Fresco Play

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All Question of the MCQs Present Below for Ease Use Ctrl + F with the question name to find the Question. All the Best!

1. Count the number of words in text collection, text6, ending with ship?

  1. -- 1
  2. --

2. What is the total number of words present in text collection, text6, while Considering characters too as

  1. words. -----

  2. 16967

  3. -----

3. What is the frequency of word 'ARTHUR' in text collection text6?

  1. --- 225
  2. ---

4. What is the frequency of word 'ARTHUR' in text collection text6?

  1. ------ 0.0132
  2. ------

5. Which of the following modules is used for performing Natural language processing in python?

  1. ----
  2. nltk

  3. ----

6. How many times does the word 'BROTHER' occur in text collection text6?

  1. -- 4
  2. --

7. What is range of length of words present in text collection text6?

  1. -------

  2. 1 to 13

  3. -------

8. How many times each unique word of text6 collection is repeated on an average?

  1. ---------

  2. 7.8 times

  3. ---------

9. What is the total number of unique words present in text collection, text6, while Considering

  1. characters too as words

  2. What is the total number of unique words present in text collection, text6? Considering characters too as words

  3. ---- 2166

10. Count the number of words in text collection, text6, which have only digits as characters?

  1. -- 24
  2. --

11. Which of the following expression is used to download all the required corpus and

  1. collections , related to NLTK Book ?

  2. ---------------------


  4. ---------------------

12. Which of the following is a Text corpus structure?

  1. ----------------------

  2. All of those mentioned

  3. ----------------------

13. Which of the following NLTK corpus represents a collection US presiential inaugural addresses, starting from 1789?

  1. Which of the following NLTK corpus represent a collection US presidential inaugural addresses, starting from 1789?

  2. ---------

  3. inaugural

14. Which of the following method can be used to determine the number of text collection files associated with a corpus?

  1. ---------

  2. fileids()

  3. ---------

15. In how many number of categories, are all text collections of brown corpus grouped into?

  1. -- 15
  2. --

16. Which of the following class is used to convert your own collections of text into a corpus?

  1. ---------------------

  2. PlaintextCorpusReader

  3. ---------------------

17. What are the categorioes to which the text collection test/16438, of reuters corpus is tagged to ?

  1. --------------

  2. crude, nat-gas

  3. --------------

18. Which of the following NLTK corpus represents a collection of around 10000 news articles? Which of the following NLTK corpus represent a collection of around 10000 news articles?

  1. -------

  2. reuters

  3. -------

19. Which of the following method is used to determine the number of characters present in a corpus?

  1. -----

  2. raw()

  3. -----

20. Which of the following expression imports genesis corpus into the working environment?

  1. -------------------------------

  2. from nltk.corpus import genesis

  3. -------------------------------

21. Which of the following method can be used to determine the location of a text collection, associated with a corpus?

  1. ---------

  2. abspath()

  3. ---------

22. Which of the following class is used to determine count of all tokens present in text collections, grouped by a specific condition ?

  1. Which of the following class is used to determine the count of all tokens present in text collections, grouped by a specific condition?

  2. -------------------

  3. ConditionalFreqDist

  4. -------------------

23. Which of the following class is used to determine count of all tokens present in a given text

  1. ?

  2. --------

  3. FreqDist

  4. --------

24. Which of the following method is used, on a conditional frequency distribution, in order to display frequency of few samples derived under few conditions?

  1. ----------

  2. tabulate()

  3. ----------

25. How many times do the word sugar occur in text collections, grouped into genre 'sugar'? Consider reuters corpus.

  1. How many times does the word sugar occur in text collections, grouped into genre 'sugar'? Consider reuters corpus.

  2. --- 521
  3. ---

26. How many times do the words tonnes and year occur in text collections, grouped into genre sugar? Consider reuters corpus.

  1. How many times does the words tonnes and year occur in text collections, grouped into genre sugar? Consider reuters corpus.

  2. -------- 355, 196
  3. --------

27. How many times do the words lead and smelter occur in text collections, grouped into genre zinc? Consider reuters corpus.

  1. How many times does the words lead and smelter occur in text collections, grouped into genre zinc? Consider reuters corpus.

  2. ------ 40, 33
  3. ------

28. How many times do the word zinc occur in text collections, grouped into genre 'zinc'? Consider reuters corpus.

  1. How many times does the word zinc occur in text collections, grouped into genre 'zinc'? Consider reuters corpus.

  2. -- 70
  3. --

29. Which of the following method is used to view the conditions, which are used while computing conditional frequency distributions?

  1. ------------

  2. conditions()

  3. ------------

30. How many times do the words gasoline and barrels occur in text collections, grouped into genre gas? Consider reuters corpus.

  1. How many times does the words gasoline and barrels occur in text collections, grouped into genre gas? Consider reuters corpus.

  2. ------ 77, 64
  3. ------

31. How many times do the word gas occur in text collections, grouped into genre 'gas'? Consider reuters corpus.

  1. How many times does the word gas occur in text collections, grouped into genre 'gas'? Consider reuters corpus.

  2. -- 10
  3. --

32. What is the output of the following code? s = 'Python is cool!!!' print(re.findall(r'\s\w+\b', s))

  1. -------------

  2. ['is','cool']

  3. -------------

33. The process of breaking text into words and punctuation marks in known as .....?

  1. ------------

  2. Tokenization

  3. ------------

34. Which of the following class is used to convert a list of tokens into NLTK text?

  1. ---------

  2. nltk.Text

  3. ---------

35. What is the number of sentences obtained after breaking 'Python is cool!!!' into sentences using sent_tokenize?

  1. -- 2
  2. --

36. Which of the following method is used to tokenize a text based on a regular expression?

  1. -----------------

  2. regexp_tokenize()
  3. -----------------

37. Which of the following function is used to break given text into sentences?

  1. -------------

  2. sent_tokenize

  3. -------------

38. Which of the following module can be used to read text data from a pdf document?

  1. -----

  2. pypdf

  3. -----

39. How many number of words are obtained when the sentence Python is cool!!! is tokenized into words, with regular expression r'\w+' ?

  1. -- 3
  2. --

40. Which of the following module is used to download text from a HTML file?

  1. ------

  2. urllib

  3. ------

41. How many number of words are obtained when the sentence Python is cool!!! is tokenized into words?

  1. -- 6
  2. --

42. What is the frequency of bigram ('BLACK', 'KNIGHT') in text collection text6?

  1. -- 32
  2. --

43. What is the frequency of bigram ('clop', 'clop') in text collection text6?

  1. -- 26
  2. --

44. Which of the following function is used to obtain set of all pair of consecutive words appearing in a text?

  1. ---------

  2. bigrams()

  3. ---------

45. Which of the following word occurs frequently after the word FRENCH in text collection text6?

  1. ----- GUARD
  2. -----

46. What is the frequency of bigram ('HEAD', 'KNIGHT') in text collection text6?

  1. -- 29
  2. --

47. Which of the following word occurs frequently after the word Holy in text collection text6?

  1. -----

  2. Grail

  3. -----

48. Which of the following function is used to generate a set of all possible n consecutive words appearing in a text?

  1. --------

  2. ngrams()

  3. --------

49. How many trigrams are possible from the sentence Python is cool!!!?

  1. --
  2. 4

  3. --

50. What is the frequency of bigram ('King', 'Arthur') in text collection text6?

  1. -- 16
  2. --

51. Which of the following is not a collocation, associated with text6? Which of the following is not a collocation, associated with text6 ?

  1. --------------

  2. Straight Table

  3. --------------

52. What is the output of the following expression? import nltk

  1. lancaster = nltk.LancasterStemmer() print(lancaster.stem('power')
  2. ---

  3. pow

  4. ---

53. How many words are ending with 'ing' in text collection text6?

  1. --- 281
  2. ---

54. How many words are ending with 'ly' in text collection text6?

  1. --- 109
  2. ---

55. What is the output of the following expression? import nltk

  1. porter = nltk.PorterStemmer()

  2. print(porter.stem('lying'))

  3. ---

  4. lie

  5. ---

56. What is the output of the following expression? import nltk

  1. lancaster = nltk.LancasterStemmer() print(lancaster.stem('basics'))
  2. ---

  3. bas

  4. ---

57. The process of removing suffixes of words is known as .

  1. --------

  2. stemming

  3. --------

58. What is the output of the following expression? import nltk

  1. porter = nltk.PorterStemmer()

  2. print(porter.stem('ceremony'))

  3. --------

  4. ceremoni

  5. --------

59. What is the output of the following expression? import nltk

  1. lancaster = nltk.LancasterStemmer() print(lancaster.stem('lying'))
  2. -----

  3. lying

  4. -----

60. What is the output of the following expression?

  1. import nltk

  2. wnl = nltk.WordNetLemmatizer() print(wnl.lemmatize('women'))
  3. -----

  4. woman

  5. -----

61. What is the output of the following expression? import nltk

  1. lancaster = nltk.LancasterStemmer()

  2. print(lancaster.stem('women'))

  3. ---

  4. wom

  5. ---

62. Which of the following method is used to view the tagged words of text corpus?

  1. --------------

  2. tagged_words()

  3. --------------

63. The process of labelling words into parts of speech is known as ?

  1. -----------

  2. POS Tagging

  3. -----------

64. Which of the following class is used to create a default tagger?

  1. ---------------

  2. DefaultTagger()

  3. ---------------

65. What is the output of the following expression? s = 'Python is awesome' print(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(s)))

  1. ------------------------------------------------

  2. [('Python','NNP'),('is','VBZ'),('awesome','JJ')]

  3. ------------------------------------------------

66. What is the output of the following code? import nltk

  1. tagged_token = nltk.tag.str2tuple('fly/NN')

  2. print(tagged_token)

  3. ------------ ('fly','NN')
  4. ------------

67. Which tag occurs maximum in text collections associated with news genre of brown corpus?

  1. --
  2. NN

  3. --

68. Which of the following function is used to tag parts of speech to words appearing in a text?

  1. ---------

  2. pos_tag()

  3. ---------

69. Which of the following class is used to define tagging using regular expressions?

  1. --------------

  2. regexpTagger()

  3. --------------

70. Is it possible to combine Taggers. State if it is true or false?

  1. ----

  2. True

  3. ----

71. How many times does the tag AT is associated with the word The in brown corpus?

---- 6725

Credit for the above notes, goes to the respective owners. 

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