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Azure Virtual Networks Hands-on Solution | TCS Fresco Play | Fresco Play | TCS | MNCAnswers

Azure Virtual Networks Hands-on Solution | TCS Fresco Play | Fresco Play | TCS

Disclaimer: The primary purpose of providing this solution is to assist and support anyone who are unable to complete these courses due to a technical issue or a lack of expertise. This website's information or data are solely for the purpose of knowledge and education.

Make an effort to understand these solutions and apply them to your Hands-On difficulties. (It is not advisable that copy and paste these solutions).

All Question of the MCQs Present Below for Ease Use Ctrl + F with the question name to find the Question. All the Best!




>create public ip address for your Load balancer

 az network lb create -n MyLb123 --sku Basic

>create a backend pool with Any name

 az network lb address-pool create --lb-name MyLb123 -n MyAddPool123

>create a health probe with Any name and can set protocol to HTTP and interval parameter with 10 seconds

az network lb probe create --lb-name MyLb123 -n MyProbe123 --protocol http --port 80 --interval 10 --path "/" 

az network lb rule create --lb-name MyLb123 -n MyLbRule123 --protocol Tcp --frontend-ip-name MyFrontEndIp --frontend-port 80 --backend-pool-name MyAddPool123 --backend-port 80

Nat Rule

az network lb inbound-nat-rule create --lb-name MyLb123 -n MyNatRule123 --protocol Tcp --frontend-port 100 --backend-port 100




az network vnet create -n MyVnet123

az network vnet create -n MyVnet123 --address-prefix --subnet-name MySub123 --subnet-prefix

az vm create --name MyVm123 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username student --admin-password Xoweb@319123 --vnet-name MyVnet123 --subnet MySub123 

az network dns zone create -n

az network dns record-set a add-record -z -n www -a



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