Blue Prism MCQs Solution | TCS Fresco Play | Fresco Play | TCS
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1. The reset button in Process Studio must always be pressed
before re-running a Process
2. Which stage is used in Blue Prism Object Studio, to launch an application
3. What is the purpose of Action Stage
It is used to call a business object page from a process
4. Which stage enables a Business Object to pause and wait for an application element
Wait Stage
5. Reusable logic shall be in which layer
Object Layer
6. Which stage in Process Studio, can be used to store multiple pieces of data in Columns and Rows
7. We can step through a diagram one stage at a time. Which of the following is used to traverse pages more quickly.
step over and step out
8. What is not correct about Object Studio
less number of stages
9. What are all the spy modes in Blue Prism
Win 32 mode, HTML Mode, Accessibility Mode, Region Mode
10. In a process which data item can be used to store the values from Rows and Columns fetched from .xls file
11. When we create process in Process Studio then a page can have
Multiple Starting Points as well as Multiple End Points
12. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the key field of the Work Queue
key field must be unique
13. exception Bubbling Means
travel upwards
14. Which of the following statement is correct
Blue Prism can be configured to handle an exception and continue processing
15. Which stage need to be used to call Business object Page from Process?
16. The Stage which can be used to throw can exception in Blue Prism Process is
17. Which of the following statements regarding the “preserve the type and the detail of the exception is correct”
Re-throwing an exception will generate a second exception unless the “preserve” checkbox is checked
18. System Manager module of Blue Prism, provides below functionalities
Manage work queue
19. Stage which always come, if we insert Wait Stage in our Object
20. Which stage allows to move forward through the rows of a collection
Loop Stage
21. Which type of brackets must be used to include a Data Item in an expression
Square Brackets
22. Application Modelling can be done in which Module of Blue Prism
Object studio
23. Session Variables are,
both the options
24. When should you consider Exception Handling strategy
in design phase
25. Work Queue configuration can be done in which module of Blue Prism
26. What is correct about Object Studio?
Object Studio does not have a main page, but it does have 2 default page
27. Which stage is available in Object Studio but not in process studio?
Wait Stage
28. What is true about Global Data Items?
Global Data Items name and Local Data Items name cannot share same name
29. Select the incorrect statement.
Blocks can overlap as well as nested
30. Which stage always comes, if we insert Wait Stage in our Object?
Time Out Stage
31. What is correct about work Queues in Blue Prism?
all of the options
32. Environment Variable are
Variables that are available to all the processes and Business Objects, i.e., across the environment
33. To spy the elements in any mode in an application, the keyboard shortcut is
CTRL + Left Click
34. How do you refer the Collection Fields? Identify the correct option.
'Collection Name.Field Name'
35. Once a business object has launched an application, any attempt to launch again will cause an exception.
36. Which is not the valid data type in Blue Prism?
37. Identify the two stages that that should always be there in process definition
Start Stage and End Stage
38. What is True about Wait Stage?
all of the options
39. In Object layer, if we will create more Objects, then design will be more efficient and scalable because
all of the options
40. Which of the following statement in incorrect?
Multiple Bots can work from the same queue, at the same time
41. While debugging, Developer added a Breakpoint at Stage 1 in Process. Before deployment in Production, developer forgot to remove the breakpoint. In Production Environment the control will break at Stage 1?
42. Can we have Resume Stage in Process without Recover Stage?
43. Which of the System Manager module of Blue Prism provides the below functionalities?
all of the options
44. Code Stage in Blue Prism does not allow to write code in which programming language?
45. The objects created in Object Studio can be made available in Control Room?
46. In a single application, we can spy via more than one spying mode.
47. Can we set up queue, to enable multiple attempts on an item?
48. Which part of Blue Prism interacts with the target system (the application a user would use)?
Control Room
49. We can call Initialize and Cleanup Actions of Object from Process.
50. Which statement is incorrect about Exception Handling in Blue Prism?
A resume stage not only neutralizes the exception but also fix the problem
51. Which of the following statements is true when employing multiple object in object layer?
Reduces the risk to the process layer when a change is made in object layer
52. What is true about defer items from the Work Queue?
all of the options
53. Exception Bubbling means
Exception travel upwards towards the main page of the process
54. Which stage(s) can be configured in Process Studio to send Input and Output Parameters in Object Studio?
Both Start and End Stage
55. In Process Flow Diagram, Data Items
are case-sensitive and cannot be physically connected to any part of the diagram
56. Process scheduling functionality can be achieved in which module of Blue Prism?
Control Room
>57. What is correct about Recovery Mode in Blue Prism?
all of the options
58. How many times a session can run?
59. Which Business Object is used to interact with Work Queue?
queue items– internal
60. To exit from the Spy mode, in Application Modeler the keyboard shortcut is ___________.
CTRL + Right Click
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