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Nightwatch MCQ solution | TCS Fresco Play

Nightwatch MCQ solution | TCS Fresco Play

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All Question of the MCQs Present Below for Ease Use Ctrl + F with the question name to find the Question. All the Best!

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Which of the following is client side scripting? 

Ans: 3,4-wrong





5.Ruby on Rails

Which of the following is Server side scripting? 

Ans: 3,5





5.Ruby on Rails

Node is written by-------- npm wrong javascript

Node is ___________. Server-side scripting

npm stands for ___________. Node package manager

pug is ______________ for node.js. middleman and template engine

What is command to check the node running status? DEBUG=myapp:* npm start

___________ is the command to create node express-generator. npm install express-generator

-g in the command for installation is used for __________. global installation

Nightwatch script directly reaches to Selenium server for execution. False

Nightwatch configuration should be in ___________. can be both

All the drivers are stored in _______ folder. you can store in any folder and call the path

Test folder detail will be defined in ___________. src_folder

For chrome, we need to define chrome driver location at ___________. cli_args

Default browsers for the execution is always __________. need to define the default browser

What is command to run the script? npm run nightwatch

Export in module.export is __________. an object

Module in module.export is __________. a variable

It is used for selecting all the nodes or attributes that come ___________ the current node or attributes. before

Complete path is also known as ____________. absolute xpath

Xpath stands for ________________. XML Path

Xpath syntax is ________________. //Tagname[@attributename=‘value’]

It is used for selecting all the nodes or attributes that come ___________ the current node or attributes. before

Which of these syntax is correct for relative xpath? //input[@value='text']

Which of these syntax is correct for Parent xpath? //*[@attribute='value']//parent::value

Which of these syntax is correct for following xpath? //*[@attribute='value']//following::value

Which of these syntax is correct for ancestor xpath? /*[@attribute='value']//ancestor::value

Which of these syntax is correct for contains xpath? //*[contains(@attribute,'value')]

Which of these syntax is correct for multi type xpath? [@attribute='value'][@attribute1='value1']

Which of these syntax is correct for absolute xpath?  /html/body/div/input

Self is used for ________ node. current

$= in css used for ___________. end with

^= in css used for ___________. starts with

*= in css used for ___________. Sub-string

In CSS, selector id value is called as ___________. #id

In CSS, selector class is called as ___________. .class

How to called the element is main script? @elementName

How to switch from css selector to xpath? .useXpath

How to switch from xpath to css selector? .useCss

Page object script should be defined in ___________. All these options are true.

Which of the syntax is correct for defining JSON?


"value1" : "text",

    "value2" : "text2"


How to call the json file in script? Using require

How to define inline variable? both the options are correct

To stop execution or close browser we use ________ command. .end()

To start or launch a browser, we use the ________ command..init()

___________ command captures the screenshot. .saveScreenshot()

___________ command pauses the execution till the text or value is not visible. .waitForElementVisible()

Node is written in __________. JavaScript

This in defining function stands for ____________. an object

Where is run command defined in package.json--- test_settings X function-wrong,scripts

___________ command verifies the value of the attribute. .attributeText()

Our run command is defined in package.json under __________. scripts

Which of these syntax is correct for starts-with xpath “valueX123e234”? //starts-with(@attribute, ‘value’)

___________ command verifies the specific value. .containsText()

The page object folder should be defined in ___________.Page-objects_path


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