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Gradle - Fabricating Systems MCQ solution | TCS Fresco Play

Gradle - Fabricating Systems MCQ solution | TCS Fresco Play

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Gradle fabricating systems mcq solution

Gradle fabricating systems course answer

Gradle fabricating systems mcq answer

Gradle fabricating systems mcq fresco play 

gradle fabricating system fresco play answer

gradle fabricating system tcs fresco play


1. To execute the hello task in the build file, type ___ on the command line. Gradle hello or gradle -q hello

2. Consider the following gradle build script:

task a{

ext.myProperty = "Hello"


task b{

doLast {

println a.myProperty

println c.myProperty


task c(dependsOn: b){

ext.myProperty = "Hey"

println "Hi"}

If the task gradle -q c is run, what is the output? hi Hello hey

3. In gradle, a disabled task is labelled as _________. Disabled

4. Multiline comments in Gradle build files are included using _____ . /* Multi line */

5. Gradle tasks can also be created and extended dynamically at runtime. - True

6. Gradle build scripts use a combination of declarative and imperative statements. -True

7. Which plugins are configured while integrating gradle with Jenkins? -Gradle plugin and plugin of repository used

8. Which of the following statement is true about Jenkins? All the options

9. Jobs are the unit of execution in Jenkins. -True

10. In Jenkins, a build job performs _______. All the options

Read also: Gradle - Fabricating Systems Hands-on solution

11. Which are the two types of plugins in gradle? Script and binary

12. Which of the following statements are true? - Ant or maven script can be migrated to gradle build script

13. When gradle plugins are applied to a project, it is possible to _____________. All the options

14. How to check gradle version? Gradle -v or gradle -version

15. How to check gradle version? - All the options

16. The two build files generated by android studio are in ________________. Root folder of project and app directory

17. The war plugin enables the default JAR archive generation of the Java plugin. - True

18. Running Gradle builds with the Daemon executes the build quickly. - True

19. In gradle to specify, which projects belong to the build, and which file is used? - Settings.gradle

20. Gradle build scripts are written in _________. Groovy or Kotlin

21. In Gradle , the java plugin searches for java test source code in the directory ___________. src/test/java

Read also: Gradle - Fabricating Systems Hands-on solution

22. Gradle supports multiple project templates called archetypes ________. False 

23. Gradle requires a Java JDK or JRE and Groovy to be installed. - False

24. Gradle requires a Java JDK or JRE and Groovy to be installed. True

25. The wrapper plugin can be auto-applied to the root project of the current build without modifying the build.gradle file. False

(Wrong Answer) While building a java project with gradle, the JAR files are created in ____ after the execution of gradle build command. build/tmp/jar

26. Gradle tasks can also be created and extended dynamically at runtime. True

27. Gradle is an imperative build tool. -False

28. Which task is executed to use Gradle Build Init plugin? - init

29. Which method is used to attach a predicate to a skipping task? OnlyIf()

30. Which of the following is Gradle's in-built task? - All the options

31. Lifecycle tasks typically have task actions. - False

32. Java Plugin is a binary plugin - True

33. The first line added in the build script to make the Android plug-in available for a Gradle build is ____________. apply plugin : ''

(Wrong Answer) To build Android project, which version of gradle is required? Gradle 2.1 and above

34. Gradle is a _______ based build tool. JVM

35. Gradle Build Init plugin is an automatically applied plugin. True

(Wrong Answer) In the android plugin for gradle, which two properties on the android configuration block are required? compile sdk version and source sets

36. Applying the Application plugin also implicitly applies the Java plugin. True

37. which of the following is Gradle's in-built task? - All the options mentioned