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jQuery Fresco Play Hands-on Solutions

jQuery Fresco Play Hands-on Solutions 

Disclaimer: The main motive to provide this solution is to help and support those who are unable to do these courses due to facing some issue and having a little bit lack of knowledge. All of the material and information contained on this website is for knowledge and education purposes only.

Try to understand these solutions and solve your Hands-On problems. (Not encourage copy and paste these solutions)

Course Path: Modern Web Development/JS Libraries/jQuery

jQuery Fresco Play MCQ answers

1. jQuery Hands-on: Addition of two numbers
file name – index.js

function add(){
// Write logic here
var num1 = parseInt($("#num1").val());
var num2 = parseInt($("#num2").val());

2. Try it Out - DOM Manipulation
file name – index.js

function login() {
if($("#username").val()=='admin' && $("#password").val()=='password'){
alert("You are a valid user");
alert("You are not a valid user");

function doRedirect(href) {
window.location = href;


3. Try it Out - Event Handling
file name – index.js

function login() {
// Write code here
if($("#username").val()=='admin' && $("#password").val()=='password'){
alert("You are a valid user");
alert("You are not a valid user");

jQuery Fresco Play MCQ answers

4. Try it Out – Animations
file name – index.js

function hover1(){
function hover2(){
function animate_big(){
$("#buy").animate({"width": "200px"});
function animate_small(){
$("#buy").animate({"width": "100px"});

5.Try it Out - AJAX calls
file name – index.js

function load_des() {
// Write code here

jQuery Fresco Play MCQ answers

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